TCPmaker : Visual Tour    Multi Page Layouts  

The first page, which is the default page that is displayed when you point your browser at your device, is always called the "index" page.  If your design only needs a single page, then that single page always has an id = "index".

In the screen shot below, we have started to lay out this index page. Since we happen to know right from the start that we are going to need 2 more pages for this design, we start by taking the following steps:

  • set the background colors that we want for the Stage area,
  • add a title that shows we are on the index page, which we entitle "Home Page",
  • add PushButton controls at the bottom, which we will use to switch between pages. 

Now we're ready to add a new blank page, so we click the "Add Page" button in the Commands panel.


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