TCPmaker : Visual Tour    Debugging Communication Problems with mtDebug  

You may be familiar with general purpose network debugging tools, like Ethereal (now called XXX.) If you want, you can certainly use tools like those to test your TCPmaker project, but you'll find that these will be hard to work with. 

The reason is that those tools are so general that they can capture and display ALL the traffic on your network, between ALL devices on your network, and show messages in ALL the ethernet protocols.  Try using a tool like that sometime, and you'll probably be amazed at the huge amount of traffic that is going across even a small private network, all the time.

You'll discover that it will be very difficult to find just the message traffic to your embedded web server device, hidden as it is among all that other traffic.

You'll also find that these general purpose network debugging tools provide information on all the protocol layers that are present in every packet.  This is great capability when you need it, but you'll find that it becomes difficult to sift through all that information to isolate the problem on your one device.


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