Processors Supported By The HIDmaker 32 Product

The HIDmaker 32 product contains TWO code generating tools:

  • The HIDmaker 32program, which generates an all-C source code for 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit Microchip PIC compilers -- code that is based on Microchip's own low level USB libraries, but which has also been enhanced to do things that Microchip's code does NOT do, such as:
    • Large HID reports that can span multiple USB packets
    • Support for HIDmaker Software Framework , including Direct Transfer of Variable
    • On the fly packing and unpacking of arbitrary USB payload data
    • Multiple HID Interfaces
    • Feature Reports
    • Support for the SET_REPORT and GET_REPORT requests of HID class
  • The HIDmaker FS 2program, which generates source code for 8-bit PIC compilers, some of which are NOT made by Microchip
    • The HIDmaker FS 2 code generators for most of the supported compilers (PICBASIC PRO, Microchip C18, and Microchip MPASM) make a mixture of high level language for the files that YOU need to work with, and fast, tight assembly language source code for the USB libraries that you needn't modify.
    • There is one exception, for Microchip XC8.  Recent changes in the XC8 compiler has broken our mixed C / assembly language framework.  So, we changed our XC8 code generator in HIDmaker FS 2 to generate the same sort of all-C code that HIDmaker 32 generates for XC8.
    • The HIDmaker FS 2 program that is included in the HIDmaker 32 product is the exact same code generator tool that is included in the HIDmaker FS 2 product.


Between these two code generating programs, the HIDmaker 32 product supports the vast majority of Microchip USB-capable devices.

There are some incompatibilities with some 8-bit processor families and the mixed high level language / assembly language code that is generated by the HIDmaker FS 2 program for the C18, PICBASIC PRO, and MPASM assembler code.

At the time of this writing (August 2016), HIDmaker 32 does NOT YET generate code that is guaranteed to run on the PIC32MZ processors.  Kindly bear with us while we finish doing that.

Note that not all code generators (or individual PIC compilers) can support all the PIC processors that you might wish.  For one thing, the C18 compiler is no longer being sold by Microchip, so that compiler does not support the very latest Microchip 8-bit processors.  We generate code for the C18 compiler for those customers who still continue to use C18.

For another thing, since Microchip is constantly adding new PIC processors, there will be times when some new processors will not yet supported in our tools.  Please understand that we will do our best to keep up with new processors, but our ability to keep up depends on customer demand.

The larger 32-bit and 16-bit processor families (PIC32MX, PIC24F, dsPIC) have very regular architectures, so we exect all existing devices in those families should work with the generated C source code made by the HIDmaker 32 program.

The 8-bit processor families from Microchip have architectures that vary widely.  Because the HIDmaker 32 program generates, for the 8-bit PIC devices, an all-C source code framework that is based on Microchip's own, we expect most 8-bit USB-capable PIC processors to be compatible with C source code generated by the HIDmaker 32 program.


Processors Supported By The HIDmaker FS 2 Product

The HIDmaker FS product contains only one code generating tool:

  • The HIDmaker FS 2 program which generates source code for 8-bit PIC compilers, some of which are NOT made by Microchip
    • The HIDmaker FS 2 code generators for most of the supported compilers (PICBASIC PRO, Microchip C18, and Microchip MPASM) make a mixture of high level language for the files that YOU need to work with, and fast, tight assembly language source code for the USB libraries that you needn't modify.
    • There is one exception, for Microchip XC8.  Recent changes in the XC8 compiler has broken our mixed C / assembly language framework.  So, we changed our XC8 code generator in HIDmaker FS 2 to generate the same sort of all-C code that the HIDmaker 32 program generates for XC8.
    • The HIDmaker FS 2 program that is included in the HIDmaker FS 2 product is the exact same code generator tool that is included in the HIDmaker 32 product.

 There are some processors that HIDmaker's mixed high level language and assembly language does NOT fully support:

  • 14K50 and 13K50 processors are not supported in our generated C18 code
  • 16F processors are not supported in our generated C18, PICBASIC PRO, or MPASM code
  • Processors in the 18F47J53 family and 18F97J94 family have USB Buffer Descriptor tables addressed close to the end of USB memory, and would require customer modifications of our generated usb18mem.asm file for most generated projects

But these same processor families ARE supported by HIDmaker FS 2's generated all-C XC8 code.


To be better prepared to work with any of these processor families, download our free guide to the tips, techniques, strategies, and mind set that will turbo charge your USB development!

Next: Supported Compilers >>



Quickly make CUSTOM, ready to compile and run USB HID class source code written for YOUR FAVORITE COMPILERS, MATCHED for both PC and PIC device at the same time, that sends data that YOU defined.


Now you can also get an "unfair advantage" over your competitors, with 16-bit and 32-bit USB PIC devices, as well as 8-bit USB PICs, with new HIDmaker 32. Gets your USB HID project running, and communicating YOUR custom data, in as little as 10 minutes!  Pays for itself in 1 day !


NEW! 2 Versions -- See which one is right for YOU :

Learn about new HIDmaker 32 for 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit USB Processors

Learn about new Enhanced HIDmakerFS 2 for 8-bit USB PIC Processors